
Online reputation management

Some good articles on this topics:

SEM and Reputation Management

Using Search for Public Relations & Reputation Management

Here are some terms which will become more popular in the near future:
Online reputation management (ORM)
Search engine reputation management (SERM)
Social media optimization (SMO)
Search engine optimization - Public relations (SEO-PR)
Search engine image protection (SEIP)


Apple iPhone 4 launch day!

A day to celebrate. The long awaiting new model.


iPhone OS 4.0 - 新功能概覽

Apple iPhone (及iPod & iPad) 應用的Operating System (OS) 剛發報了最新的資料, 在OS 4.0上, 將會加入多項被指早應該有的功能 (共100項新功能/更新). 以Apple CEO Steve Jobs 的說法: "We don't want to be the first; we want to be the best!"

1. Multitasking (多功能運作) - 可同時運行數個Apps (包括 third party Apps); 可細分為:
- Background audio (support 3rd party streaming)
- Voice over IP (mainly for Skype)
- Background location (for GPS-based apps)
- Push notification
- Local notification (don't need to initiate from server)
- Task completion (when you're viewing/using other apps)
- Fast app switching (UI, user interface design quite good)

2. Folder - Drag and Drop, 方便管理

3. Enhanced e-mail; 可細分為:
- Unified Inbox
- Multiple Exchange accounts
- Fast inbox switching
- Thread messages
- Open attachment with apps

4. iBooks (Apple's eBook reader; and the iBookStore in the future)

5. Enterprise (更強的支援商業應用),包括:
- better data protection (encrypted message with PIN)
- mobile device management
- wireless app distribution
- Multiple Exchange accounts
- Support Exchange Server 2010
- SSL VPN support

6. Game Center, 包括:
- Social gaming network
- Invite friends
- Matchmaking
- Leaderboards
- Achievement

7. iAds (mobile advertising, 流動廣告)
小弟認為這一項是Apple在這次更新中最大的殺手鐧. iAd很明顯是針對Google早前收購了的Admob及其他類似的mobile advertising agency. iAd最大的優勢是in-app advertising, 而且廣告是hosted by Apple, 收入的60%將分賬給程式開發者; 運作模式差不多等於Google在網上的主要收入模式. 對於Admob (global market) 及Hotmob (香港市場) 的影響深遠.

Multitasking只支援iPhone 3GS, iPad及第三代的iPod Touch, 要否收費暫時不確定 (iPad可以free upgrade).


蘋果6月推出iPhone OS 4.0

有興趣的話, 可按此觀看Steve Jobs 的 iPhone OS 4 Keynote


第四代iPhone (iPhone HD)?

近日在網上流傳一段關於新一代 iPhone / iPhone HD 的廣告片. 真偽相信要多等幾個月才能分曉了.

難道真是: 真的假不了, 假的真不了?